Empowering Young Women Through Leadership with Make the Distinction

In a recent interview, Katrina Pratt Roebuck, Founder and CEO of Uplifme, spoke with Alexandra Ingram, the Founder and Executive Director of Make the Distinction. Alexandra shared the inspiring work her organization is doing to empower young women by building their leadership skills and preparing them for the future.

About Make the Distinction

Make the Distinction is a nonprofit organization founded in 2017, dedicated to empowering girls aged 11 to 17 through leadership programs and one-time events. The organization’s mission is to help young women develop essential life skills, boost self-confidence, and prepare for life after high school, whether that path leads to college, entrepreneurship, or the job market.

The Inspiration Behind the Organization

Alexandra Ingram founded Make the Distinction based on her own experiences growing up. She lacked confidence in both the classroom and sports, often feeling overly critical of herself and comparing herself to her peers. Fortunately, mentors in her life—from church, sports, and school—helped her see her value. Recognizing the transformative power of mentorship, Alexandra wanted to create a program that provides similar support to young women today. Make the Distinction aims to be a safe space where girls can build self-esteem, confidence, and leadership skills.

How to Access Make the Distinction’s Programs

Parents and young women can access information about the organization’s programs and events through their website. The website includes a detailed section for program registration, making it easy for interested individuals to sign up. Make the Distinction also maintains an active presence on social media and YouTube, providing further ways to stay connected and informed about their offerings.

The Leadership Program

Make the Distinction offers a six-week leadership program with two cohorts per year—one in the fall and another in the spring. The program is divided into two age groups: 11-13 and 14-17, each with a specific focus:

  • Younger Group (11-13): Focuses on personal development topics like self-awareness, hygiene, friendship building, and social media safety.
  • Older Group (14-17): Emphasizes leadership skills such as public speaking, effective communication, community service, and understanding personal values like integrity and character.

The program is interactive, allowing girls to socialize, learn from each other, and build their skills in a supportive environment. The aim is for participants to gain confidence and leadership abilities that they can apply in their communities, schools, and future careers.

Impact and Reach

Last year, Make the Distinction served around 40 girls through its mentoring programs and events. This year, with the launch of the leadership program, the organization aims to serve 30 girls per cohort, reaching a total of 60 girls annually. The leadership program is expected to provide consistent and ongoing support, helping young women develop and maintain their skills over time.

Upcoming Initiatives and Goals

Make the Distinction has several exciting plans for the coming year:

  1. Fundraising Gala: The organization will host its second annual fundraising gala on October 19th. This “sneaker gala” will combine formal attire with stylish sneakers and serve as a celebration of the organization’s achievements, including the girls and alumni they’ve impacted. The goal is to raise $20,000 to support future programming.
  2. Girls Day Retreat: Following a successful day retreat in June, Make the Distinction plans to hold another retreat next year. The retreat provides an opportunity for girls to step outside their comfort zones, engage in team-building activities, and form new friendships in a fun, supportive environment.
  3. Leadership Program Expansion: The organization is focused on successfully rolling out its six-week leadership program twice this school year and ensuring it provides transformative experiences that align with its core values of community, humility, integrity, and transformation.

How to Support Make the Distinction

Make the Distinction welcomes support in various forms:

  • Volunteering: Interested individuals can contact the organization via email at contact@makethedistinction.org. After expressing interest, volunteers will complete a general interest form to find the best fit within the organization.
  • Donations: Donations can be made through the website at www.mdes.org. The organization is also looking for sponsors for both the leadership programs and the fundraising gala.
  • Sponsorships: Businesses and individuals interested in sponsoring programs or events can reach out via email for more information.


Make the Distinction is doing crucial work to empower young women and prepare them for the future. Through leadership development, personal growth, and community engagement, the organization is helping girls build the skills and confidence they need to succeed. If you’re interested in supporting Make the Distinction or learning more, visit www.mdes.org.

Thank you, Alexandra Ingram, for sharing your story and the impactful work of Make the Distinction. We look forward to seeing the organization continue to grow and make a difference in the lives of young women.

427730cookie-checkCommunity Connections Episode 25: Alexandra Ingram, Executive Director, Make the Distinction