Empowering Communities Through Education: A Conversation with Eric Jones, Head of School at Community Partnership School

In today’s post, we shine a light on a remarkable institution making a significant impact in North Philadelphia: the Community Partnership School (CPS). Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with Eric Jones, the Head of School at CPS, to discuss the school’s mission, the communities it serves, and the unique approach it takes to provide quality education to children from underserved backgrounds.

A Mission Rooted in Community

Community Partnership School is an independent Pre-K through fifth grade school located in the heart of North Philadelphia, nestled between the Strawberry Mansion and Brewerytown neighborhoods. Founded in 2006 by Germantown Academy and Project HOME, CPS was established with a clear purpose: to provide a high-quality education to children from low-income families, primarily those living in some of the most economically challenged areas of Philadelphia.

Eric Jones emphasized the importance of the school’s dual heritage. On one hand, Germantown Academy brings a legacy of academic excellence as the oldest nonsectarian day school in the country. On the other hand, Project HOME, a leading nonprofit focused on ending homelessness, infuses CPS with a deep commitment to social justice and community service. This unique partnership underscores the school’s mission to not only educate but also uplift the community it serves.

Serving Those Who Need It Most

CPS is dedicated to serving children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, with a particular focus on families of color. The school’s commitment to accessibility is evident in its tuition structure. While CPS is a private, independent school, it is not tuition-driven like many of its counterparts. Instead, it relies heavily on philanthropic support to ensure that no child is turned away due to financial constraints. Eric shared that some families pay as little as $20 per month, while the full tuition is $16,500—a cost gap that is covered by the generosity of donors.

The school’s student body reflects the community it serves, with over a third of its students living within two to three miles of the campus. This intentional proximity helps CPS maintain its identity as a true community school, deeply connected to the neighborhoods it serves.

A Holistic Approach to Education

One of the standout features of CPS is its holistic approach to education. Eric explained that while academic excellence is a cornerstone of the school’s mission, CPS places equal emphasis on social-emotional learning, character development, and the arts. The school offers robust programs in visual arts, music, and physical education, areas often underfunded in public schools.

CPS also prioritizes strong home-school partnerships. “Our parents and guardians are our children’s first teachers,” Eric noted, highlighting the respect and collaboration that underpin the school’s approach. From the very beginning, during the enrollment process, CPS establishes deep connections with families, ensuring that every child is known, seen, and supported.

Looking to the Future

As CPS approaches its 20th year, the school is in the midst of strategic planning to guide its next phase of growth. Eric shared that the school has plans to expand its enrollment to 200 students while maintaining its Pre-K through fifth grade model. Additionally, CPS is exploring ways to enhance its arts programming and deepen its engagement with the surrounding community. For instance, the school is planning partnerships with local organizations to offer music lessons and arts workshops, not only for students but also for community members, including seniors from a nearby apartment complex.

How You Can Support CPS

The success of Community Partnership School is made possible by the generous support of donors and volunteers. Eric stressed that CPS relies on philanthropic contributions for over 90% of its revenue. Whether it’s through financial donations, volunteering, or opening doors to new opportunities, there are many ways to support CPS and help sustain its mission.

If you’re interested in getting involved, visit the CPS website at cpsphilly.org to learn more about the various ways to contribute. Your support can help ensure that CPS continues to provide high-quality education and serve as a vital resource for the North Philadelphia community.

Final Thoughts

My conversation with Eric Jones left me inspired by the work being done at Community Partnership School. CPS is more than just a school; it’s a beacon of hope and a model of what education can be when it is rooted in community, equity, and a commitment to social justice. As we continue to shine a light on the unsung heroes in our city, I encourage everyone to learn more about CPS and consider how you can support this incredible institution.

Thank you for reading, and thank you to Eric Jones and the entire CPS community for the vital work you do every day. Let’s continue to uplift and empower our communities, one child at a time.

378560cookie-checkCommunity Conversations Episode 17: Eric Jones of the Community Partnership School